Monday, December 23, 2013


          Chick Allan's is closing today.  Tonight when I'm done my shift. It will be my last.   
As much as I complained sometimes, I really enjoyed working there.... Minus Steve.  And it was my life. Yes at one point I strayed away. I needed a change... A Break to make sure I was where I needed to be. While I was away, I thought of chick Allan's constantly.  And when I went back, It was wonderful, Almost Like I had never even left! except the fact I got down graded to closing every night but I could handle that.   I worked there since May 2006.  There were up and downs.  
The first one I remember was when Shannon announced she was selling. I told her at some point i was going to start applying at different places and she asked how I could ever consider leaving her and I told her she was leaving us so how was it different?  
 I have no clue what I shall do next.  Where I'll go.  The only thing I've really done so far is apply at the co-op grocery store. I have no clue where else I'll apply either. I constantly question if I will be Happy there?

      On other news We are into our new to us Place. It's a actual House! Newer stuff except it looks ghetto on the outside but the Landlord will be putting new siding on it this Summer and I'm hoping to build a deck on the back.   All the boxes are unpacked.... Mostly. a few I have no clue where to put.  Yesterday I hung all my Beautiful Prisms. Unfortunately my new to me house only has one Window that is perfect to create a million Rainbows. And the worst part it's Small.   and the most horrible part. the trees and the house beside my place. Block it off pretty quick but I have rainbows for a bit in the afternoon.My Living room window is large and in the morning it gets enough Sun that I could hang some. But from 9 to 11:00ish. there are rainbows...But who wakes up that early? Lol .All in all, I get rainbows for a bit. once in the morning and once in the evening.
But when John is putting windows into the trailer. I'm going to have windows on both sides and make sure we park in the best spot so I can have rainbows always.  
I really don't know what it is about Rainbows but even when I'm feeling down. Fill a room with little rainbows floating around and any unhappiness is gone for that time. And I just sit in awe of how beautiful it is. I forget every single worry and problem may I have for that short time. 

        I've given up buying bread. I've been making Flax bread. I do have a issue with my loaves not  turning out really big but they are tasty and I love the crunch of Flax.  they are still light and fluffy. I have a knife with a guide on the side so I even Cut them Straight! :o.
Though I have recently been reading that Flax isn't a super Food like it was once believed to be. I will look into soon

        My next project is making my own Laundry Detergent(Did I mention my new to me washer is insanely old and doesn't give the option for cold water! ) and dishwasher detergent.
The website claims that it will equal about 4 Cents a load for the laundry and 3 cents for the dish washer.  Which I find just amazing. It's good for sensitive skin as well.  I just have to get money to get the ingredients.   Oh and by the way, I attached Links.
I already make my own cleaners so why not keep up all the DIY's. :)
I have also been reading about home made mozza cheese. I am very interested in and may attempt that but It is undecided still. I think it would be nifty to serve a lasagna that I made everything from scratch.  Home made noodles. with a layer of homemade cottage cheese or link , topped with fresh made meat sauce and Fresh mozza. Dreamy! 

     John's Uncle Scott came for a visit. He is from Ontario but his semi Truck broke down in Saskatoon. He got to try out the Pull Out sofa that we got when we moved in.  I never remembered to actually feed him Lunch ever... I offered him breakfast when I got up but by Noon, I'm thinking about work or something already at work. Where I have Soup.....and Bacon for my first meal of the day.  Then I'd make supper at 9:30. I think he prolly thought us odd.   I made some good stuff. 
Fruit stuffed Pork chops with a berry Glaze, Stuffed Yorkies( Pulled Beef, creamy horseradish topped with Gravy) and the best one Beef Enchildas( From scratch enchilda sauce, tortillas and yum)
          Christmas is almost here! 3 more days. My love has let me shake all my presents! But I remain clue less on what he has gotten me other then random hints he has dropped trying to get me to give up the information of what I've gotten him. 
I had tried to get him a bass for Christmas but the deal fell through. Maybe for his Birthday.?  
I have finished shopping almost. I don't have anything for the Children though. I might end up getting them some Candy. 
The things I ordered back in November finally arrived. I pick them up on Monday. I was getting very anxious that they wouldn't be here on time. Though there is a mysterious package that I am unsure on what it is. but knowing me i did order it and forgot i had ordered it. 

           I know I talked myself Silly about the Benefits of Honey and i still hold to it But I just can't get into using it for Shampoo! I tried it twice. I missed the Bubbles. My hair felt clean but it looked  greasy and dull. No Shine or anything. All the sites claim after a few months your hair will look amazing but I don't think I can do it. 
I have issues with my home made tooth paste . It tastes Great and my mouth feels sparkly clean But I am worried its not doing all it should because we ended up adding alot of Honey. Let me expand on that a little.   The recipe we made consisted of Coconut oil, baking soda, peppermint and honey. Coconut oil is amazing, heals, whitens, cleans. Baking soda is the grit that helps get rid of the stuff stuck to your teeth, peppermint for flavor and honey which is always beyond amazing to sweeten it and help with antibacterial(blah, blah,blah) cause if you've never tasted straight baking soda. it's gross. Pure salt. and it seems John and I can't handle saltly. So it feels like whole thing is Honey.  it doesn't do what normal tooth paste does. it doens't bubble and I msis it. So I tend to go back to my normal tooth pasta a little to often. 
I still wash my face with Honey. I love it. My face feels so Insanely Clean when I'm done.
I do use coconut oil still randomly but after I put it on my legs, I can't get dressed right away or lay on the bed or it gets stuff greasy and my face stays shiney to long and I'm not a huge fan.

In going non processed foods. I've been trying to lay off buying tomato sauce. 
So many recipes call for it. and I use it as a base for most of my sauces including my gravy. Last month I tried to make my own. and it tasted good. Then i froze it. It didn't freeze well.  
I could use tomato paste as a base for a lot of things as well So I will attempt tomato paste next.   After I Find the perfect combo of recipes to try.
Though I made up a huge batch of honey Mustard sauce that should last my Love at least two months if I'm Lucky. 
I've written to Much while still having alot to say. But that's just how I roll it Seems.
Merry Christmas for those that celebrate.

1 comment:

  1. Merry Christmas, Andrea and John. Andrea, did I ever enjoy reading this thoughtful entry, and that despite learning of some uncertainty in your life just now. I found lots of good news in that, all of which is much appreciated.

    Life is good, kiddo. It’s even better when family “keeps in touch,” as some say it. So ... thanks for this.

    Take good care! Merry Christmas, ‘youse guys!’
